Amount VaporRemed Used At The Site
- The total amount of VaporRemed added to Soil - 41 gallons.
- The total amount of VaporRemed added to Sub-slab area - 142 + 91 = 233 gallons.
- The total amount of VaporRemed added to SG-101 - 35 gallons
- The total amount of VaporRemed added to SG-106 - 100 gallons.
The total amount of VaporRemed added to the site : 476 Gallons
Comparison with other projects
Although to do an apples-to-apples comparison is not accurate, the following paragraph from the Fourth Five-Year Review Report for Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman (MEW) Superfund Study Area (Pg. 21) is quite instructive of the amount of engineering effort needed to accomplish bio-remediation on the field.
Several in-situ treatment pilot programs have been implemented to target high TCE concentration areas to more efficiently reduce TCE concentrations. Intel injected 46,000 gallons of emulsified soybean oil into the groundwater in 2014 at 365 and 401 E. Middlefield Road; subsequent monitoring results indicate decreasing concentrations of TCE, and in some wells, the production of ethane, which indicates complete dechlorination. Schlumberger is conducting an in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) pilot treatability study at the former 401 National Avenue property (now 600 National Avenue). Since 2015, Schlumberger has completed seven events injecting sodium permanganate and sodium persulfate oxidants. In 2019, SMI implemented an abiotic reductive dechlorination pilot treatability study using sulfidated zero valent iron at the 455 and 485/487 E. Middlefield Road properties.
VaporRemed/HydroRemed/AgroRemed have consistently performed better than traditional in-situ methods.